Friday, June 5, 2009

Gorgeous Day!

Man! Today was such a gorgeous day. The down side of living in Ohio is how unpredictable the weather is going to be.  Especially this time of year. One day it is hot and sunny and the next day it is rainy and cold as can be. We have been stuck inside a lot lately so the kids and I took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed to the park for the afternoon. It is so nice now that Joel is old enough to climb all of the equipment by himself at the children's park and I don't have to be right next to him every second. He loves to go to the park and run around like the wild man that he is and make new friends with the other children on the playground. I am hoping that Jay and I can find something fun to do tonight with the kids. We talked about taking Joel to go miniature golfing possibly. Tomorrow is supposed to be really hot so we might head to the pool for the first time this summer to keep cool. 

Today was kind of a rough day for both Joel and I. My younger sister who lives in Florida with her husband and two boys have been here for the past three weeks due to a few different family events going on but flew back home yesterday morning. Joel really has a special attachment to his Aunt Lindsay and kept asking to go see her today and wanted her to go to the park too but is too young to grasp the concept that she doesn't live here and she had to go back home. I know that we are not the only family that is scattered and many people have family much farther away than we do, but it is really difficult and I miss her so much. It makes it even harder now that we both have kids of our own. It really breaks my heart when he gets so worked up from not understanding as to why we can't just jump in the car and go visit Aunt Lindsay. I can remember my mom telling my sister and I all the time growing up that someday we would be best friends and appreciate each other. We used to argue that we would never be best friends but mom was right. Never take your family for granted and always say "I love you". You never know what tomorrow will bring and you don't want to have regrets. 

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