Once we got to the ER they asked me what we were there for and I told them that I thought he had a broken arm. The nurse came out and poked around at his arm and hand for just a second and told me she was certain that it was his collar bone which was not what I wanted to hear because I knew that there wouldn't be a cast that they could put onto it so the healing process would be more difficult. I felt so terrible for Joel because he was in so much pain but he didn't hardly cry because when he cried it would move his shoulder causing him more pain. They immediately got us settled into a room and then took us back for X Rays of his clavical and shoulder. Almost immediately, the attending ER doctor came in, so I knew that it could not very good news. He said that Joel had a 90 degree break just under his shoulder and his arm was displaced from the socket. If you can imagine a ball shape that makes up your shoulder, his arm should have been hanging straight down from that ball, it was instead out and directly in front with a clean brake. The doctor was amazed at how he was handling the excruciating pain and said that a grown man would have been laying there screaming like a little girl (what a brave boy). The doctor told me at that point it was going to require surgery and that the Orthopedic Surgeon was on his way and planned on doing surgery as soon as Joel's stomach emptied. At this point Jay wasn't there, so you can only imagine as a mommy what I was going through. Thankfully Jay did get there shortly after and I filled him on everything. Once the surgeon got there he talked to us about the surgery and said that they were looking at a couple of different options. They were first going to try and do what is called a closed reduction which is what would be the most desirable. If that didn't work then they would have to make an incision and try to place it back in place and hopefully it would hold on its own and if not then they would have to place some pins in Joel's shoulder which we really didn't want.
Around 8:15 they came and got us to go down to surgery and they let me carry him down to the floor that he was going to be on but then a surgery nurse came and took him from me and that was the hardest thing that I ever had to do was hand off my little boy to a complete stranger while he is in pain and screaming for me. Joel had to be put under general anesthesia and they said that he did so well with that and went right to sleep. Thankfully they were able to give him a lesser dose of the anesthesia and did not have to place the tube down his throat like they thought they would have to. That was a great relief because I just remember how agitated my mom got from being tubed and did not want to have to go through that again and with a toddler. Praise God that He was watching over my baby and the doctor was able to do the closed reduction on his little arm. Joel has a plaster splint to hold his elbow in place and then his arm is ace bandaged to his little body to hold it as still as possible. That will be there for four weeks so unfortunately there will be no swimming in our future on those hot summer days. We were told that it will take about 4 weeks for the break to heal and it could take about 3 months before Joel has full range of motion back into his arm and uses it like normal so please pray for that since he does tend to favor his left hand...
In the mean time, Dr. Copeland will become Joel's new friend as we will be going to visit him quite a bit over the next year at the least. More surgery could possibly be in Joel's future since he is so young and it is hard to keep him as still as he needs to be to let it heal properly. Pray that it does not come to that and it will heal properly and without further problems. We will be going back for the next two weeks for more X Rays to make sure it is coming along nicely and then every two weeks, 2 months and six months after that. Thank you for all of your prayers up to this point and continued prayers for Joel's comfort and healing. We appreciate it so much!
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