Thursday, June 4, 2009

Here we go...

Well it is my first official "blogging" experience so bear with me. I have been following a few different blogs for a couple of months now and after months of pushing and prodding from my husband to start my own, here I am. I don't know who will follow it but that's o.k. If anything I guess it will be used as a journal for myself and my husband to read. So a little bit about the title, everything in my life has been such a beautiful, God given blessing. My husband Jay is my high school sweetheart and we have been married now for almost 4 years. We have two beautiful babies, Joel who is 2 1/2 and Caroline is 7 months so it is quite busy around our household but thats the way we like it. Jay works for a local college as a graphic designer and the online admissions director. He also has a home based business that keeps him busy in his "free time" called Monkey Media Productions. Joel is a typical 2 1/2 year old boy... loud, busy and full of life. He is our comical relief in the things that he says and does. He loves all sports, especially golf (go figure). Our "Sweet Caroline" is a little girly girl and loves nothing more than to be cuddled with and talked to. She is a lot more laid back than her older brother and is happy to just sit and take in her surroundings. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with the kids and invest my time in them. It is the most rewarding ,but difficult jobs at times but I wouldn't trade it for the world. We love to take random road trips to anywhere and try something new. We are Ohio State University football junkies making Fall our favorite season and Saturday our favorite day. We are involved with different activities at our church and strive to raise our children in a way that is pleasing to the Lord and will bring him glory. Family is very important to us and we are pretty fortunate to have most of our family close. Well, that is a little bit about our family and myself but for now it is time to go as I hear Caroline jabbering away up in her crib ready to get up and play! Thanks for joining me and have a great day!


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